Sense & Newlife Join Forces
Newlife and Sense joined forces to provide grants of £500 to 46 families with disabled children facing profound hardship due to the cost of living crisis.
Newlife, the largest UK charity provider of specialist disability equipment across the UK, partnered with Sense, which provides support for people with complex disabilities, to provide the one-off payments. Those eligible for the grants from Sense were children, young people, and adults with complex disabilities who are on a low income. The grant didn’t affect any benefits the recipient was receiving and could be spent in any way it was needed.
Karen Dobson, Newlife Consultant Nurse, said: “The aim was to help as many disabled families as possible who are facing profound financial hardship in these difficult times. It was for people living with their families at home or with carers in the community, who are on a low income.
“We contacted eligible families that were known to Newlife and who had previously used Newlife’s services to help their children. All applications had to come through a professional, and Newlife completed the application form on behalf of our Newlife families.”
Newlife received a great response from the families contacted about the grant, many of which were grateful they had even been considered for the funding, while other comments included ‘I will be able to heat more than one room now this winter. I thank you enough’, and ‘I can’t thank you enough. Everything is such a worry’, while other families have commented on what a good idea it is for organisations to work together to help families.
Karen added: “It has been a privilege for me to work in partnership with Sense to provide the Sense Cost of Living Support Fund. This funding makes such a difference to the lives of the families we support.
“Families don’t have the time, or often the ability, to find out what is on offer and really appreciate the support we could provide at a time when finances are particularly worrying.
If you would like support to find out if there are any benefits you may be able to claim, or would like more information about making an application to one of Newlife’s services – which include Equipment Grants, Emergency Equipment Loans and the Play Therapy Pod service – you can call the Nurse Helpline on 0800 902 0095.