News Newlife News

Making magical Christmas memories the whole family can enjoy

November 2023

Everyone wants the children in their lives to enjoy the magic of Christmas, but disabilities and special educational or sensory needs can make attending some events tricky, (more…) ...

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Help for children with invisible disabilities

October 2023

Invisible disabilities can be hard enough for adults to navigate and raise a whole host of issues, but for children they can prove particularly isolating. (more…) ...

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World Mental Health Day – A Helping Hand

October 2023

This World Mental Heath Day, we’re shining a light on the support available for parents and carers of disabled children. We know life can prove exhausting and overwhelming (more…) ...

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Make your legacy count and change a child’s life today

October 2023

October is Free Will Writing Month and while making a Will isn’t something most of us want to think about, it is a good reminder to take care of one of those ‘life admin’ processes (more…...

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Brand new school uniforms offered to schools and organisations for families

September 2023

Newlife is offering items of brand-new uniform to schools, organisations, and other charities to help families most in need. The charity currently has 12,000 items (more…) ...

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Fun sensory activities for all the family this Autumn

September 2023

Memories of summer are already fading, and days are shorter, darker and colder – which of course makes it harder to keep children of all ages and abilities occupied (more…) ...

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Focus on fun – bringing silliness back into your family play

September 2023

You may not know, but International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19. Now what exactly has this got to do with Newlife and disabled children and their families? (more…) ...

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How to work best with your child’s SENCO so they can thrive

August 2023

It’s always a bit of a shock to the system when the Autumn school term arrives and you have to get your child – and yourself – into the swing of school life again, (more…) ...

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On National Play Day – is your child struggling to join in the fun?

August 2023

The first Wednesday of August is National Play Day in the UK – with this year’s theme being everyday low-cost or no-cost play adventures that children can enjoy at home, (more…) ...

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Newlife the Charity for Disabled Children appoints new CEO

July 2023

Newlife the Charity for Disabled Children is pleased to announce the appointment of new Chief Executive, Fiona Robinson. Fiona will be leading the charity and it’s ten stores (more…) ...

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