Emergency Equipment Loan Service
Free Loan of Emergency Equipment
Newlife offers the free loan of equipment, including beds and buggies, which can help a child in urgent need because of unstable life threatening/limiting conditions or terminal illness. Our unique equipment services are designed and run by responsive professionals. We act on information received the same day, and aim to deliver equipment as quickly as possible – we will provide a piece of equipment in one working week from the loan suite once the loan has been approved.
Families can contact the Nurse Helpline to find out if their child is eligible for an emergency loan of equipment through this unique service. While on loan the equipment is fully maintained, and once the loan period has ended (generally six months) we arrange for the equipment to be collected, before being clinically cleaned and tested by the supplier ready to be sent out again.

Process For Emergency Equipment Application
What information do I need for my application?
- An assessment for the equipment that is being requested from Newlife’s loan suite, needs have taken place or be in process before you apply.
- This will need to be carried out by an appropriate professional who is actively involved in your child’s care, and is also able to assess the type of equipment requested, for example- an Occupational Therapist can assess for a Bed.
- We will need information on the long-term plan of the requested equipment.
- The equipment requested must be checked and selected by the assessing professional, from our loan suite.
- Please be aware that the availability of equipment changes frequently and may not be available at the point of application.
- Once the equipment has been selected, the supporting professional needs to provide a headed letter or official work email which contains the following information.
- Childs Name
- Date of birth
- Confirmation of diagnosis/ condition (or suspected)
- Why the equipment is being requested and is it considered urgent.
- What difference will the provision of the equipment make to the child/ young person.
- Full confirmation of specification.
- The plan for long term provision.
Once you have gained all of the information above you will be ready to complete the application form below.
If you require any support with the pre application and application process, please contact the nurse helpline:
Freephone 0800 902 0095
Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm