Disabled nine-year-old Timothy Dickson has taken the final lap of his spacewalk, completing his mission to raise funds for Newlife the charity for disabled and terminally ill children, raising over £1,800!
Timothy, from Tuxford in Nottinghamshire, has Autism and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which affects his joints and causes chronic pain and fatigue, making it difficult to walk. Despite this, he bravely set out to raise £500 for Newlife the Charity for Disabled Children by walking 100km (66 miles) the equivalent distance between earth and the edge of space.
Now Timothy has raised almost four times as much as his original target – and his courage has won him an army of fans, including local villagers who lined the route of his lap and local fire fighters who gave Timothy a guard of honour as he passed the station. TV’s Professor Brian Cox and astronaut Tim Peake are also big fans – and Timothy was even contacted by the National Space Centre who are thrilled with Timothy’s achievement.
After taking his first steps on June 12 he planned 40 loops of his local village to complete the 100km (66 miles) by September 1, but he has been so determined he actually completed his mission five weeks early on July 23, five weeks ahead of schedule!
Mum Laura, said: “We did the last lap on Friday night and then a lap of honour on Saturday. He actually walked 121.4km in the end – a massive 166,000 steps in 24 days – I am so proud of him it’s ridiculous!
“With donations to the JustGiving page and other donations along the route it comes to just over £1,800 – we have also had some donation pledges, so we’d love it if we were able to get to £2,000.
“The whole experience has been amazing and so many people have become involved in supporting him as they can see just what a big deal this is for him. He has sent a big thank you out to everyone who has supported him during this mission for Newlife.”
Timothy wanted to raise funds for Newlife as the charity had previously provided a specialist bed to keep him safe through the night – and he knew that not all disabled children are able to receive the right equipment at the right time.
Laura added: “I still can’t believe my little wobbly boy had the understanding to want to do this and the physical ability to complete it, if you had told me a year ago he could do this I would have just laughed, especially as he still needed to use a buggy for longer journeys.
“He’s so chuffed with himself now for completing this and it’s been such a lovely bonding experience for us too, I will miss it now it’s over, but Timothy is drained now so I don’t think there will be any more walking for a while!
To donate to Timothy visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Lolli-Dickson-tim