The winner of the Makers Raffle launched by Newlife the Charity for Disabled Children as part of its recent 30th birthday celebrations has been revealed as a family from Bedfordshire who have used the charity’s services several times – and are overjoyed to be the recipient of so many amazing prizes!
The competition, in conjunction with 30 independent businesses, featured some of the best hand-made creations, from cupcakes and candles to toys and jewellery, worth a total of £350. Funds raised from tickets sold will be used to support disabled children and their families across the UK.
Alison and Jonathon Matthews were delighted to have the lucky winning ticket drawn, bringing some much needed joy after a difficult time shielding to protect their disabled son, Logan, aged 17, from Covid-19 as he has a severe form of epilepsy, causing hundreds of seizures a day as well as re-occurring chest infections and a small lung capacity.
As Logan’s condition is regressive he has become unable to walk or talk and recently underwent surgery to correct a severe curvature of his spine that was crushing his internal organs.
Over the last decade Newlife has supplied Logan with a Safespace Voyager to keep him safe at night during seizures, an attendant controlled power base for a wheelchair so he could go out and about with his family when he could no longer walk, and in 2019 a specialist seat meant Logan could sit safely and comfortably.
Mum Alison said: “Newlife has helped us many times and it’s amazing what the right equipment at the right time can do. Logan’s condition has gradually deteriorated over the years. He was only expected to reach the age of around ten, so he’s doing well.
“We have had Logan at end of life care and given the last rights, but he has pulled through. He is still palliative and we know time is borrowed, but we have fought for him every day.
“I’ll admit I brought tickets without a thought. It was my way of giving a little thanks for everything Newlife has done for Logan as they have been the only charity to ever help us. We didn’t consider winning – and I still can’t believe it, I looked on the Facebook page and cried!
“What I liked about the prizes is that there is something for everyone. My daughter, now 23, who over the years hasn’t always had her mom by her side, has taken a shine to the jewellery … her face just lit-up with a huge smile when she saw it. There is a Whisky stave bottle opener for Jonathan which comes from Scotland which makes it so special and even Logan’s pet dogs got spoilt with this prize.
“Logan loves rabbits, so I was over the moon with the wooden toy from one of the makers, and it’s the candles for me – what mom doesn’t like candles!”