Newlife welcomes the chancellor’s announcement of additional financial support to help with the cost of living crisis. In the last few weeks, we have been speaking to Ministers and MPs about the difficulty that many families with disabled children are facing; particularly those who rely on specialist equipment.
We are therefore pleased that Rishi Sunak recognised today that “disabled people also face extra costs in their day to day lives like having energy intensive equipment around the home or workplace.”
Today, chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a package of new measures, worth £15 billion in total, and which will be partly funded through a 25% windfall tax on the profits oil and gas firms. This £15bn will be given as one-off payments of different amounts and will target those who are most vulnerable; those with disabilities, those on the lowest incomes and the elderly.
What does the Chancellor’s announcement mean for me?
1. £650 – a one-off ‘cost of living payment’ to eight million low income families who are on means tested benefits such as universal credit, housing benefit, jobseekers’ allowance and income support. DWP will make the payments in two lump sums; the first from July and the second from the Autumn. Payments for those on tax credits will be made by HMRC shortly afterwards.
2. £150 – a one-off “disability cost of living payment” paid to six million adults and children in receipt of non-means tested disability benefits (DLA and PIP) DWP will make this payment from September.
3. £300 – a one-off “pensioners cost of living payment” made to all pensioners who receive the Winter Fuel Payment. This payment will be made in the Autumn.
4. £400 – all households will receive a £400 discount on their energy bills – this is a doubling of the £200 rebate loan that was previously announced and is now a grant and will not be repaid. This payment will be made from October.
You do not need to apply for any of these grants or fill in any additional paperwork; if you are eligible, the payments will be made directly in to your bank account.
‘While these additional payments to families will go some way in easing the financial burden, we ask that Government keeps this issue under constant review and remains prepared to step in again so that no family faces the choice between their child using a ventilator or buying food.’ Newlife’s Campaign & Policy Manager, Clare Dangerfield.