A Potters Bar man who ran the London Marathon has raised over £5000 to give back to a Disabled Children’s Charity who provided his disabled niece with life-changing equipment.
John Guy ran the 26.2 mile route in Five Hours and Three Minutes, in the process raising £5,446.13 for Newlife the Charity for Disabled Children. Newlife provide specialist equipment for disabled and terminally children, like John’s two-year-old niece Jaida.
John said: “When I found out Jaida was being provided equipment by Newlife it gave me a real incentive to run. There is nothing better than helping disabled children, so running 26 miles and taking five hours out of my day is nothing compared to what these children have to go through. I’m so glad I’ve been able to raise money for this great cause.
“On a personal level, I’ve got fit and reached a target and alongside that raised money for a really good charity. When I got accepted for the marathon, the first thought was to run for Newlife. Jaida was always my push, if I had a bad day I’d think of Jaida and how I was doing the London Marathon for her.”
Two-year-old Jaida has complex medical needs due to the abnormal development of her brain and has recently been diagnosed with a severe sight impairment, which alongside her other needs means she requires constant adult care and supervision. Jaida had been provided with a supportive seat by her local statutory and health services, but she could only sit in it for small amounts of time due to her feeding tubes, and the fact it had become too uncomfortable.
As local statutory services are unable to provide a second chair for comfort, Newlife stepped in to provide Jaida with a P-Pod. Now she is able to sit comfortably at home, whilst also receiving the right postural support – and is able to join in more family activities comfortably in any room of the house.
Jaida’s Mum Faye said: “She loves to chill out in her P-Pod provided by Newlife and enjoy family activities with us like watching TV and relaxing in the living room.
“John has been training so hard over the past months and managed to raise such an amazing amount for Newlife to help children like Jaida. We as a family understand the importance of charities and are so grateful that John is able to give back. Jaida loves her uncle John so very much and is so proud of him!”
Newlife is the largest charity provider of specialist equipment in the UK and as well as providing loans of Play Therapy Pods, also provides equipment such as specialist beds, seating and buggies through both grants and an emergency loan service. A nurse helpline is also available to support families and carers of disabled children.
Donations for John’s run can be made at: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/19924_8568194_39256/1
For more information about Newlife’s services, or if you would like to help other disabled children receive the equipment they urgently need, please visit www.newlifecharity.co.uk