You may not know, but International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19. Now what exactly has this got to do with Newlife and disabled children and their families? Well, the day was started by a group of men in America as a bit of fun, because well, who doesn’t enjoy talking like a pirate every now and again?! But it does serve as a reminder that we all need a little bit of fun in our lives, which is something that Newlife can help with.
Time for fun, even just being daft and silly, can get a little lost when our children are facing big health battles or have disabilities that make everything a struggle, or at the very least take a bit of a back seat because it just isn’t practical. The slog of everyday life can also make everything feel very serious, which is all the more reason to make time for fun, whether that’s a day out somewhere, a dance party in the kitchen, or take the time to talk to your child in a silly voice or have an extended play session without worrying about the mess.
If play is something you child struggles with, whether this is because of physical disabilities, sensory issues or difficulty finding the right toys they respond to, then Newlife’s sensory toy loans may be a good option for them. The right toys can open up whole worlds of fun that you may not have imagined possible for your child as they can encourage development and help families bond and learn more about the type of toys and play their child responds to best.
Newlife’s Play Therapy Pods are a free loan of a box of sensory toys with different categories to choose from, depending on the child’s age, physical and learning abilities, and medical needs. Each box is delivered directly to the family’s door and the loan is for 12 weeks, so there’s plenty of time to explore all the different toys, before it’s picked up. Click here for more information about Play Therapy Pods.
Equipment such as buggies, wheelchair and car seats may help your child travel so they can join the whole family to enjoy days out and events together, while walkers and standing frames offer the chance to join in games with friends, instead of watching from the sidelines and perhaps even kick a ball for the first time. Click here for more information about our Equipment Grant service.
You can check out some fun activities below too: